
András Stohl

András Stohl was born in Budapest, went to Vö­rös­mar­ty Mi­hály High School, then he graduated the University of Theatre and Film in 1990 in the class of Gábor Székely and Gábor Zsámbéki. Then he became a member of Katona József Theatre. Since 2001 he worked as a freelance actor and appeared in several TV shows as a presenter. Between the years 2003 and 2013 he was a leading actor of National Theatre, then he became a member of Vígszínház until 2017. Then he worked as a freelance actor, besides theatre and television in radio, too. Since 2021 he is a member of Vígszínház again.

During his carrier he served numerous outstanding performances in theatres, films and television series. He played Danton in Danton’s Death, Kolhaas Mihály in Köz­el­len­ség, Baron in Mül­ler tán­co­sai, Fi­ga­ro in Fi­ga­ro há­zas­sá­ga, the title roles of Titus And­ro­ni­cus and Peer Gynt, Ed­mun­d in King Lear, Ku­ko­ri­ca Jan­csi in János vitéz by Ka­csóh Pong­rác. He is fascinating in prosaic, musical, dramatic and comedy roles too. The audience also could meet him in movies and television series like: Szö­ke­vény, Presszó, Eu­ró­pa exp­ressz, Me­se­au­tó, Cso­csó, avagy éljen május el­se­je!, Tűz­vo­nal­ban, Nejem, nőm, csa­jom, Senki szi­ge­te, FOMO or Min­ta­apák. He is also known as a television host and is a very popular voice actor too.

His complex work in the performing field was recognized with Já­szai Ma­ri Prize, Gun­del Artist Prize, Theatre Critics Prize, and also with He­ge­dűs Gyu­la-Memory Ring and Ajtay An­dor-Memory Prize.

Current roles

Next performances


május 16. csütörtök, 15:00
május 25. szombat, 14:30

A dzsungel könyve

május 4. szombat, 11:00
május 11. szombat, 19:00
május 18. szombat, 11:00
június 7. péntek, 19:00
június 8. szombat, 11:00
június 8. szombat, 15:00

Szeget szeggel

május 12. vasárnap, 14:30

Az üvegcipő

április 30. kedd, 19:00
május 18. szombat, 19:00
május 21. kedd, 19:00
május 29. szerda, 19:00
június 2. vasárnap, 19:00
Stohl András