
Zoltán Gyöngyösi

Zoltán Gyöngyösi was born in 1991 in Debrecen. He finished Ady Endre High School in 2012 and then graduated from University of Theatre and Film in 2017. He spent the season 2017/18 in the National Theatre Szeged. Since 2018 he is a member of Vígszínház.

Up until now, he showed his complex talent and sense of humor mostly in character roles. He is the Dull and the Policeman in Love’s Labour’s Lost, and plays several roles outstanding in The One Who Has Nobody Under the Blue Skies, just as in The Great Dictator. He showed his acrobatic skills in Baal staged by Csaba Horváth, and was fascinating as First Detective in Liliom. He is portraying the fate of George Wilson, the tragedy of a common man in The Great Gatsby with moving authenticity, while in the Playboy of the Western World we can see him picturing the beau of the leading lady with loving clumsiness and humor. As the protagonist in Children of Paradise he charms the audience as a pantomime artist with delicate gestures and impressive moving skills.


"A kis­csil­lag is csil­lag” - Prize 2020
Ju­ni­or Príma Prize 2021

Current roles

Next performances

A padlás

Képzelt beteg

május 16. csütörtök, 19:00
május 25. szombat, 19:00
június 10. hétfő, 19:00


május 15. szerda, 19:30
június 1. szombat, 19:30

A Pál utcai fiúk

Az öreg hölgy látogatása

május 24. péntek, 19:00

A Nyugat császára

május 22. szerda, 19:00
Gyöngyösi Zoltán