
The Great Dictator with English surtitles at Vígszínház
2024. 03. 07.

Director: Eszenyi Enikő

Adapted for the stage by | Miklós Vecsei H., Róbert Vörös and Enikő Eszenyi


performed by
Attila Vidnyánszky Jr, Csenge Szilágyi, Sándor Lukács, Károly Hajduk, József Wunderlich, Dániel Király, Márk Ember, Béla Gados, Áron Zoltán, Zoltán Gyöngyösi, Éva Igó, Zsuzsa Hullan, Andrea Waskovics, Zsombor Ertl, Péter Reider, Nóra Réti, Dorottya Antóci, Szonja Rudolf, Luca Márkus, Attila Viszt

also appearing
Gábor Ánosi, Barna Bálint, Szandra Bársony, Adél Forrás, Ádám Kolozsvári, Balázs Kóbor, Ádám Kurucz, Brigitta Tóth, Máté Tóth, Zsófia Safranka-Peti, Péter Viola, Orsolya Vitárius

The Great Dictator, Charlie Chaplin’s most influential work, is a deeply humanistic piece of cinematic art. The ruthless sarcasm and ingenious clowning, which Chaplin uses as he plays both the little barber and the great dictator, relieved millions of their anxieties. His unforgettable accessories, the moustache, the shoes, and the bowler hat along with his gestures have all imprinted themselves onto our minds.

The story takes place just before WW2, in a time when poverty and madness reached a level like never before. The faith in humanity and freedom had failed. It was on the advice of Hungarian born film director and producer Alexander Korda, that Chaplin started working on The Great Dictator. The film follows the development of Hitler’s Reich and the hardships the Jews had to endure, up until the occupation of Austria.

Later in his life Chaplin said: „Had I known at the time of the horrors of the German concentration camps, I wouldn’t have made The Great Dictator, I wouldn’t have made a joke out of the murderous lunacy of the Nazis.”

set design | Csaba Antal
costume design | Judit Pusztai
music | Adrián Kovács
dramaturge | Róbert Vörös
choreography | László Bóbis
movement| Csaba Horváth
lighting design | Balázs Csontos
scenist| Zoltán Juhász
military consultant | György Udovecz
acrobatics coach | Tibor Kőműves and Tünde Vincze
directed by | Enikő Eszenyi 

Enikő Eszenyi is the first theatre director in Hungary to receive the licence of the Chaplin family to stage The Great Dictator.

THE GREAT DICTATOR © Roy Export S.A.S. All Rights Reserved. Charlie ChaplinTM © Bubbles Incorporated SA 2018

premiere | 13th October 2018| Vígszínház