
Rehearsals for the performance Miracle on the Studio Stage have started
2024. 01. 10.

Rehearsals for the next premiere of the Studio Stage have started. György Schwajda's comedy The Miracle starts from a completely grotesque situation.

György Schwajda's comedy, the Miracle, starts from a completely grotesque situation. Typographer Vencel Nagy loses his eyesight one day, but after being on sick leave for only one year, he is declared able to work after one year. He has to go back to work, but a small circumstance — that is, the fact that he is blind — causes a lot of annoyance and a lot of trouble... Heart-wrenching sitcoms, mutual lies for each other and humanity manifested in the community.

Main characters: Zoltán Gyöngyösi, Andrea Waskovics, Zsuzsa Hullan, Ferenc Borbiczki, Balázs Szántó, Balázs Bölkény, Zoltán Karácsonyi, Renáta Tar and Béla Gados.

Directed by Benjamin Dino the show will be premiered on the 22 March 2024

 Tickets and more:

Olvasópróba - Csoda